Saturday, October 29, 2016

First Pines Near Nanimo

Same forest near Nanaimo, very large and waterlogged White Chanterelles, Firm and no bugs on the Red Juice Milky Caps, and lots of Elfin Saddle. First two Hedghogs I've found near Nanaimo this year.

Above lower left, the one White Chanterelle that I brought home. Even when they were newly emerged (last two weeks?) like this one, most were too waterlogged to bring home.


  1. Same with matustakes. I've found more this year than I could ever hope to use so have been drying them.

    Didn't find a single porcini all season though. As my favorite mushroom it drives me crazy how hard it is to find them!! Maybe it was a bad year?

  2. Hi Richard, I'm a student here on Vancouver Island and I need to do a Mushroom Project, I found some mushrooms next to my house but I don't know the name of the species, can you help me? I took some pictures and I can send you by email.

  3. Hi Marcella, I can have a look. I'm really not an expert in mushrooms, just an interested amateur! I'll send you an e-mail.
