Monday, October 21, 2013

The Hedgehogs are Coming (and tons of other stuff is here)

I walked for almost 4 hours today reveling in the beauty of the autumn day and the vast number of mushrooms out everywhere. Here is a video summary:

Here are some photos:
Lactarius rubrilacteus (Bleeding Milk Cap)
Notice that these bleeding milk caps are right beside the parkway trail....

Lactarius rubrilacteus (Bleeding Milk Cap)

Lactarius rubrilacteus (Bleeding Milk Cap)

Hydnum umbilicatum (Belly Button Hedgehog)
I found hedgehogs in two places, both very small. I would say that in about 2 weeks they will be popping up everywhere and lets hope the frost holds off long enough for the to get really big!

Gyromitra infula (Hooded False Morel)

Gyromitra infula (Hooded False Morel)

a GIANT Gyromitra infula (Hooded False Morel)
Gyromitra infula (Hooded False Morel)
Oyster or Anglewing??? It was on a fir log so Anglewing seems more likely, though it smelled like a Oyster.
Very Large Hygrocybe Conica (Witche's Hat)
Hygrocybe Conica (Witche's Hat)
Helvella lacunosa (Fluted Black Elfin Saddle)
Amanita constricta (Constricted Grisette) or related.
Amanita constricta (Constricted Grisette) or related.
Amanita Constricta is edible, but because it is easily confused with at least two poisonous cousins, I left it in the field!

Not sure, probably Cortinarius violaceus but could be Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis
Not sure, probably Cortinarius violaceus but could be Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bleeding Milk Caps

Only had time today for a 45 minute walk but found two Bleeding Milk Caps (Lactarius rubrilacteus):

For details see the following see the following resources:

Mike Orr's Videos:
Mushroom GuruVideos: